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Credit Sharing

What is Credit Sharing

You can share your email or SMS credits to other users by enabling [Credit Sharing].

In the system, there are 2 roles related to [Credit Sharing]:

Credit Owner

User that own the credits. He/She can use his/her credits directly and share to the others at the same time.

Credit User

User that consume credits, either owned by himself/herself or the others.

In a single user environment, [Credit Sharing] is not enabled as [Credit User] is also the [Credit Owner]. With multiple users, you can enable it and consolidate all credit consumption into a single user account. As it is always cheaper to buy one large plan than multiple small plans (especially when you want to share unused credits among users), [Credit Sharing] always saves you money and creates less wastage.

Setting Up Credit Sharing


Your [User Role] must have the right to [View User List] and [Edit User] to set up [Credit Sharing]. Contact your administrator if you cannot find [User] section in [Admin].

Learn more about User Role and enabling function.

Step 1: Go to User

Enter [User] section under [Admin].

Click [Admin] at the top right corner
Click [Admin] at the top right corner

Select [User]
Select [User]

Step 2: Edit User Information

For example, John wants to share his credit to Peter. Identify Peter in [User List] and click its [Edit] icon.

Edit Peter's profile
Edit Peter's profile

Step 3: Set Credit Owner under Advanced Settings

First, click [Advanced Settings] in the bottom part of the user's profile.

Click [Advanced Settings]
Click [Advanced Settings]

In row [Credit Owner], select the source of credits. In the above example, set Peter's Credit Owner to John.

Select John in [Credit Owner]
Select John in [Credit Owner]

Click [Save] to close the [Advanced Settings] window.

Click [Save]
Click [Save]

Step 4: Save User Information

Remember to click [Save] in User Information. Otherwise no changes are made.

Save the user information
Save the user information

Changes in Plans and Billing

When you are using other user's credits, by default you will see your [Credit Owner]'s information in [Overview], [Credit Usage] and [Order History]. A reminder message will appear on this configuration.


You will see your [Credit Owner]'s remaining credits and plans information.

Your Credit Owner's information
Your Credit Owner's information

Credit Usage

You will see the credit usage of:

  1. Your [Credit Owner], and
  2. All other [Credit Users] who share on your [Credit Owner]'s credits

For example, if Peter and Mary are using John's credits, Peter can see both Mary and John credit usage.

Order History

You will see the order history of:

  1. Your [Credit Owner], and
  2. All other [Credit Users] sharing your [Credit Owner]'s credits

For example, if Peter and Mary are using John's credits, Peter can see both Mary and John order history.

Billing Information

[Credit Sharing] does not affect [Billing Information]. By default you can only view your own Billing Information, regardless of your [Credit Owner].

All your purchase will use your own billing information, but the purchased credits will be assigned to your Credit Owner.

Purchase with Credit Sharing Enabled

When you are using other user's credits, everything you purchase will be assigned to your [Credit Owner]. It is not possible to purchase for yourself only when credit sharing is enabled.

If you really want to purchase for yourself only, you must stop your [Credit Sharing] setting. Refer to Setting Up Credit Sharing, edit your user information and change your [Credit Owner] back to yourself before placing any order.